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Public and Private Clouds: Which is best for in-house legal teams? - News / Blog - Matters+ Client Support

Jul 23 2021

Public and Private Clouds: Which is best for in-house legal teams?

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It is widely recognised that cloud computing is the new norm when it comes to storing and transferring data. Canalys reported that for the year of 2020, spending on cloud services grew 33% to $142 billion. But with increased use of cloud platforms worldwide, so come increased risks of hacking and unauthorised access to company data. In fact, 2020 saw major companies facing exposed databases and leaked personal information, including Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Spotify.

In the face of this, how can legal teams balance the need to store masses of sensitive information in cloud storage, with the risks associated with it? At Matters+, we provide a cost-effective public cloud software solution, whilst going above and beyond international security standards in order to preserve your peace of mind when working with us.

Whilst private cloud solutions are an airtight way to secure your company’s private information, the costs associated with this, including server setup and maintenance, can outweigh the benefits. Whilst software giants like DropBox are able to invest millions of dollars into personal servers, it is understandable that most companies, let alone their legal teams, would not be able to justify this price tag in their budget.

Matters+ offers a transparent and affordable pricing model for our usage, that can be scaled to fit the number of people using the software. This proves to be a great advantage of public cloud software, as whilst private clouds demand large costs for server space that may end up left abandoned, Matters+ only charges for the server space you require.

Whilst some still have reservations about the security risks that come with public cloud usage, Matters+ aims to put those worries at rest. Both Matters+ and our cloud service provider, Amazon Web Services (AWS),are compliant with internationally recognised security standards presented in the ICO/IEC 27001 publication. AWS has also stated that their infrastructure has been built to be ‘one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today.’ They implement the use of continuous validation and testing, as well as sophisticated automation systems to ensure that the data stored by them is monitored and protected 24/7, across their worldwide network of servers.

If this wasn’t enough, Matters+ also holds both Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications, showing that the National Cyber Security Centre recognises our commitment to information security, both through self assessment and hands-on technical verification.

If you’re interested in learning more about what Matters+ can do for you and your in-house legal team, or want to book a demo, please contact James Maddern at for more details. Alternatively, visit to find out more about what we offer.

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric from Pexels

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